Technology Tidbits

This assignment brought me back to computer class in elementary school, when I learned how to type on Dance Mat Typing, made acrostic poems with Word art, and created games on Scratch. Ever since that time, most of my educators have expected my classmates and me to already know more than them about technology, so I haven't had a technology "lesson" in a while.

While I did already know about many of the tools and websites listed in the assignment, many are new to me. I had never heard of Twine, but I will definitely be thinking about using that in my storytelling assignments as a fun way to increase engagement. I also never knew you could make bookmark folders, so I spent a good amount of time organizing my dozens of bookmarks into manageable categories, discovering some old gems in the process.

Image of Pomeranian on an iPad from Cookie the Pom on Unsplash.


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